Friday, August 15, 2008

Cape Cod

I took a couple days off at the beginning of this week and escaped to Brewster, MA for a few days of relaxing. Juliet and I went up, along with some other extended family members and we all had a great time, and some much needed rest. I was so happy to be able to share this spot with Juliet, as I have been coming here almost every year since I was little. Here are a few photos that I took along the way.
My aunt and uncle own a house up there, but my grandmother rented this one as well:

The first night I was there, I took Juliet down to the beach to watch the sun set:

Even on the Cape I couldn't escape a wedding. Here is a Bride and Groom "trashing" their wedding cloths:

The next day was beautiful so we all headed down to the beach:


Tom said...

Looks like the two of you had a great time.

Ernie Mangoba said...

great pictures bravo!